
Sonia Paulson

Profile Details

  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: 01-01-1992
  • Age: 32
  • Marital staus: Married


  • Education Level: Post Graduation
  • Qualification (Multiple): M.COM,

Languages Known

  • Language Speak: Malayalam,
  • Language Read: English,
  • Language Write : English,

Driving License

  • Driving License: Four Wheeler,
  • Driving License Details:

Other Details

  • Caste: Not Mention
  • Physical Status: Normal
  • Blood group: A+
  • Present Employer Name:
  • Present Salary: Expected salary not mentioned

My Experience

  • I have 4.00 Years experience.
  • Experience not updated.
  • Express Interest

    Profile Summary

    • Administrator
    • Profile ID: 55402
    • Updated: 06-08-2024